Can Dogs Eat Green Beans? Benefits of Green Beans for Dogs

can dogs eat green beans 

Perhaps you caught your child sneaking their green beans to the dog, or maybe you want to add a few more nutrients to your pup's diet - whatever the reason, it's important to know how green beans impact your dog.

Dogs are naturally carnivorous, so even though dogs may not need vegetables in their diets, they can be used as a supplement to a meat-based diet.

Read on to find out the benefits of feeding your dog green beans, and how to do it safely. 

Can Dogs Eat Green Beans?

Yes, your dog can eat green beans. Plain, unseasoned green beans can be a healthy addition to supplement your dog’s diet. 

Just remember: all dogs react differently to each and every food. Moderation is key here to avoid gas or diarrhea. If you choose to feed your dog green beans, a larger dog likely will be able to safely enjoy more in its diet than a smaller dog.

Green Beans Nutrition Facts

Below is the nutrition information for 1 cup of raw green beans:

  • 31 Calories
  • protein: 2 g
  • fiber: 2.7 g
  • sugar: 3.6 g
  • vitamin K: 43 mcg
  • thiamin: 0.1 mg
  • niacin: 0.7 mg
  • vitamin B-6: 0.14 mg
  • vitamin E: 0.41 mg
  • calcium: 37 mg
  • iron: 1.03 mg
  • magnesium: 25 mg
  • phosphorous: 38 mg
  • potassium: 211 mg
  • zinc: 0.24 mg

Benefits of Feeding Green Beans 

Green beans are an excellent source of key vitamins and minerals, like Vitamin C and A. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps boost the immune system, while Vitamin A aids immune health, reproduction, and healthy vision.

Green beans are also a good source of minerals, especially manganese, which supports the metabolism and has antioxidant abilities. It also supports bone health and promotes wound healing.

Note: Even a healthy option like green beans must be fed in moderation. Dogs are naturally carnivorous, and 75-85% of their diet should be meat-based. 

You want to make sure your pup’s diet is well-balanced. Our 100% grass-fed dehydrated beef entree is an example of how to balance feeding your dog green beans alongside healthy meats and fats.

How to Prepare Green Beans for Dogs 

green beans

Before adding green beans to your dog's meals, there are a few things to be mindful of. Dogs have different digestive systems than we do, so not all of the food preparation we practice is good for them. For instance, we may love salting our vegetables, but that should be avoided when feeding dogs.

In terms of cooking, dogs can enjoy green beans cooked a variety of ways: raw, canned, steamed, blanched, or pureed. However you choose to cook it, introduce it slowly. 

Other useful information to keep in mind when preparing spinach for your dog:

  1. Buy organic. To avoid artificial pesticides and chemicals, buying organic can give you peace of mind. If you buy non-organic, make sure to always rinse before preparing for your dog.
  2. No seasoning! Avoid putting salt or other herbs, butter, oil, garlic or onions in your dog's food.
  3. If your dog doesn't like the taste of green beans, try feeding with meat and other dog-friendly vegetables that you know your pup enjoys.
  4. Slowly introduce the new food to your pet. As stated above, feeding too much too quickly can cause stomach upset, vomiting or diarrhea in your dog. 
  5. Serve sparingly and occasionally. In order to avoid any negative side effects, try serving small portions once or twice per week. 

Remember: Always Consult Your Vet

When it comes to introducing your pet to a new food like green beans, do your own research and always consult your veterinarian before bringing new elements into your dog’s diet. Your four-legged friend will thank you for taking the extra care.

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