Dehydrated Dog Food
Frozen Raw Dog Food
Our entree line of frozen raw dog food provides a complete & balanced, diversified diet from 100% grass-fed beef, free-range poultry, and other non-factory farmed animal protein sources. Single-source protein entrees are paired with different blends of organic veggies, fruits & other real ingredients from the farm. Rotate through our recipes for optimal nutrition & enjoyment!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Dehydrated Dog Food?
Dehydrated dog food is a shelf-stable alternative to raw dog food. Dehydration is one of the oldest and most efficient forms of food preservation. Drying at low temperatures preserves more of a food's vital nutrients while maintaining its natural color and taste. It's a difference you can see and smell. Dehydrated dog food can be used as a complete & balanced meal, a meal mixer, or even a treat.
Is Dehydrated Dog Food Good for Dogs?
This unique blend of ingredients and preparation process offer an alternative from your typical dog kibble filled with corn meal and by-products. Here are a few of the top benefits to our dehydrated dog food:
• Quality Ingredients: Ingredients in dehydrated dog food like ethically raised meats, organic fruits, and vegetables.
• Minimally processed:Our dehydration process gently removes the moisture from our whole food ingredients to preserve more vitamins and minerals.
• Convenience: Just add water to make it species appropriate. It's perfect for traveling or other situations where it might be difficult to keep food frozen.
• It's a sustainable choice:We focus on organic ingredients, pasture-raised protein, and ethical sourcing in our products. Decreasing our carbon footprint, even if it’s just a paw print, benefits everyone in the long run.
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