Melinda M. of Woodbury, Minnesota, just sent us a letter we had to share. When the family’s new Poodle-Bichon-mix pup (Kobe) wasn’t eating well, Melinda went looking for answers. Here’s what she had to say:
“He had been having a tough time eating and I knew the food we were given to feed him was just junk... expensive... but junk. I tried searching retail stores for something or someone knowledgeable in organic food or the BEST food choice for dogs. I was determined to find something healthy and beneficial for my pup. I went to Pet Evolution in Woodbury. The owner, Rian, gave me the best advice I could have possibly received [when] he turned me on to your product line. Let me just note that the price definitely turned me off. But as Rian spoke about the benefits of whole food and the fact your company is local convinced me to buy the smaller 3-lb. bag. I thawed one patty thinking my pup wasn't going to chow down as he wasn't eating much. To my delight and surprise, he ate it all in under 5 minutes and licked the bowl clean! I am so thankful to your company being true to the pets we all love, healthy and happy! It is an amazing product!
~ Melinda & Kobe
PS the price is worth it! Its is worth its weight in gold!♡♡♡